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- ; The colon separated fields are:
- ; 1 - The standard abbreviation for the section
- ; 2 - The full name of the section
- ; 3 - Standard and/or alternate abbreviations for the section,
- ; each separated by a comma
- ; An asterisk in the abbreviations is a wildcard for any character.
- ; The program only searches field 3 when looking for a section name.
- ; So for most of the entries, the first one is the section abbreviation.
- ; A few of them, such as Idaho (id*) and Oklahoma (ok*) only need the
- ; abbreviation followed by a wildcard because that will match whatever is
- ; typed for that section. E.g. ok* will match: ok, okl, okla, oklah etc
- ; and they all uniquely identify Oklahoma. On the other hand, some sections
- ; require several variations on the abbreviations to be sure you can catch
- ; most (if not all!) variations on the way someone can enter the section
- ; name. Note for example, under San Joaquin Valley that I have put "san w*"
- ; and "s w*". On phone, the word "joaquin" sounds like "wakeen" so I put in
- ; the "s w*" just in case.
- ; If you add, delete or change any of the abbreviations you must remember
- ; that the operator is required to abbreviate "north", "south", "east" and
- ; "west" to their first letter and that I have also allowed the words
- ; "San" and "Santa" to be abbreviated to the single letter "S".
- ; The spaces at the end of the first and second fields is only to make the
- ; file easier to read and the spaces are not essential as trailing spaces
- ; are stripped from these two fields. Furthermore the list does not have to
- ; be in alphabetical order. The program sorts all the abbreviations anyway.
- ab :Alberta :ab,alb*
- ak :Alaska :ak,alas*
- al :Alabama :al,alab*
- ar :Arkansas :ar,ark*
- az :Arizona :az,ari*
- bc :British Columbia :bc,b* c*,br*
- co :Colorado :co,col*
- ct :Connecticut :ct,Con*
- de :Delaware :de,del*
- eb :East Bay :eb*,e* b*,eastb*
- ema :Eastern Mass :ema,E* M*,eastm*
- eny :East New York :eny,e* n*,eastn*
- epa :East Pennsylvania :epa,e* p*,eastp*
- ewa :East Washington :ewa,e* w*,eastw*
- ga :Georgia :ga,ge*
- ia :Iowa :ia,io*
- id :Idaho :id*
- il :Illinois :il*
- in :Indiana :in*
- ks :Kansas :ks,ka*
- ky :Kentucky :ky,ke*
- la :Louisiana :la,lou*
- lax :Los Angeles :lax,la x,l a x,los*
- mar :Maritimes/Newfoundland :mar*,newf*,nf,pei,nb,new b*,lab*
- mb :Manitoba :mb,man*
- mdc :Maryland/DC :md*,m dc,mary*,dc,d c
- me :Maine :me,Mai*
- mi :Michigan :mi,mic*
- mn :Minnesota :mn,min*
- ms :Mississippi :ms,missi*,misi*
- mo :Missouri :mo,misso*,miso*
- mt :Montana :mt,mon*
- nc :North Carolina :nc,n* c*
- nd :North Dakota :nd,n* d*
- ne :Nebraska :ne,neb*
- nfl :North Florida :nfl,n* fl*
- nh :New Hampshire :nh,n* h*
- nli :New York City/Long Island :nli,n l i,n li,NYC*,long*,
- nm :New Mexico :nm,n* m*
- nnj :Northern New Jersey :nnj,n n j,n nj,n new*
- ntx :North Texas :ntx,n* tx,n* te*
- nv :Nevada :nv,nev*
- nwt :North West Territories/Yukon:nwt,n w t*,nw t*,y*
- oh :Ohio :oh*
- ok :Oklahoma :ok*
- on :Ontario :on*
- or :Oregon :or,ore*
- org :Orange :org,ora*
- pac :Pacific :pac*
- pq :Quebec :pq,p q,q*
- pr :Puerto Rico :pr,p r,pu*
- ri :Rhode Island :ri,R I,Rh*,Rod*
- sb :Santa Barbara :sb*,s* b*
- sc :South Carolina :sc,s* car*
- scv :Santa Clara Valley :scv,s c v,san* c*,s* cl*
- sd :South Dakota :sd,s* da*
- sdg :San Diego :sdg,san d*,s* di*
- sf :San Francisco :sf,san f*,s* fr*
- sfl :South Florida :sfl*,s* fl*
- sjv :San Joaquin Valley :sj*,san j*,san w*,s j*,s w*
- sk :Saskatchewan :sk,sas*
- snj :Southern New Jersey :snj,s n j,s nj,s new*,sn j
- stx :South Texas :stx,s tx,s te*,s t x,so* tx,sotx
- sv :Sacramento Valley :sv,sac*,s* v*
- tn :Tennessee :tn,t*
- ut :Utah :ut,u*
- va :Virginia :va,virgini*
- vi :Virgin Islands :vi,v* i*
- vt :Vermont :vt,ve*
- wi :Wisconsin :wi*
- wma :West Mass :wm*,w* ma*
- wny :West New York :wny,w n y,w* ny,w* ne*
- wpa :West Pennsylvania :wpa,w* pa,w* pe*
- wtx :West Texas :wtx,w* tx,w* te*,w t x
- wv :West Virginia :wv*,w* v*
- wwa :West Washington :wwa,w* w*
- wy :Wyoming :wy*